
Robert C. Ma179594_459225517430037_750241171_ndison is a writer of primarily novels in crime fiction in a similar vein of Robert B. Parker’s Spenser series, the Elvis Cole and Joe Pike series by Robert Crais and Craig Johnson’s Longmire series.  He has branched out, currently working on short fiction within his comfortable confines of crime fiction, but also in speculative and literary fiction.  In these ventures, he has developed a severe appreciation for the art of short stories.  He has also penned numerous screenplays in the action, horror and historical genres.

Robert’s spent his entire adult life in the fields of law and criminal justice, beginning as a Judge Advocate General in the United States Air Force, then as a police officer in a mid-sized city, and currently as a law enforcement administrator.  His work in these fields informs his writing.

When not trying to unlock the enigmatic way of the short story, he spends his time riding his Harley Davidson Fatboy through undiscovered locations, pining for the ocean, and trying to find time to just sit and read.

His work can be seen in Suspense Magazine and the upcoming apocalypse anthology Enter the Aftermath from TANSTAAFL Press.  The prequel can be found here.